السبت، 18 أغسطس 2012

ملخص مواضيع منتديات يوم جديد: “Winamp Pro 5.63 FinaL FULL مشغل الصوتيات الرهيب بأخر اصدار” plus 2 more

ملخص مواضيع منتديات يوم جديد: “Winamp Pro 5.63 FinaL FULL مشغل الصوتيات الرهيب بأخر اصدار” plus 2 more

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Winamp Pro 5.63 FinaL FULL مشغل الصوتيات الرهيب بأخر اصدار

Posted: 18 Aug 2012 12:44 AM PDT

Winamp Pro 5.63 FinaL FULL مشغل الصوتيات الرهيب بأخر اصدار

Winamp 5.63 FinaL FULL مشغل

Winamp 5.63 FinaL FULL مشغل

Nullsoft Winamp is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity media player for Windows. Winamp supports playback of many audio (MP3, OGG, AAC, WAV, MOD, XM, S3M, IT, MIDI, etc) and video types (AVI, ASF, MPEG, NSV), custom appearances called skins, audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins (including two industry dominating visualization plug-ins), an advanced media library, Internet radio and TV support, CD ripping, and CD burning. Winamp supports playback of Windows Media Video and Nullsoft Streaming Video, as well as most of the video formats supported by Windows Media Player. 5.1 Surround sound is supported where formats and decoders allow. This player supports many types of streaming media: Internet radio, Internet telelvision, XM Satellite Radio, AOL video, Singingfish content, podcasts, and RSS media feeds. It also has extendable support for portable media players, and users can access their media libraries anywhere via internet connections.

Here are just some of the hot, new things you can do with the latest version of Winamp:

Winamp can use both Modern and Classic skins, so you can be both hip and retro at the same time.
Winamp gives you easy and organized access to your favorite media. That's what you call mass media.
Winamp can play a huge variety of audio and video formats right out of the box... err... out of the installation.
• You get access to hundreds of free audio and video channels in the Media Library. This ain't your father's library.
Winamp can burn your music to Audio CDs. Burn baby burn!
Winamp makes it easy to create and manage your favorite songs through playlists. Yes, you can be your own DJ.
Winamp allows you to extend its functionality through the use of "plug-ins". It's like the Mr. Potato Head® of music.
Winamp can manage all of your portable media players and devices. Plug in, turn on, tune in, drop out...
Winamp allows you to alter the sound of your music through a built-in Equalizer. An audio receiver right on your computer.
Winamp allows you to watch visual effects that are driven from your music with Visualizations. From flaming fireballs to screaming strobe effects, it's all there.

Some sweet treats you get only with Winamp Pro:

• Rip and burn your Audio CDs at 48x
• Rip your CDs to MP3s
• Rip your CDs to High Bitrate aacPlus
• Convert other formats to MP3 and High Bitrate aacPlus
• Play MPEG-4 video formats straight out-of-the-box

Changes in Winamp 5.63 Build 3235 ( - 28 June 2012:

* Improved: [in_flac] Producer metadata support
* Fixed: Video window reopening after being closed when editing mp4 tags
* Fixed: Installer crashing when installing Toolbar on Portuguese-Brazillian locale
* Fixed: [ml_local] Mapping of menu items in album art view

The main installers have been updated (might take a while for them to propagate across all servers)


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[عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا]

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مشغل الفلاش العملاق Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.271 بآخر إصداراته

Posted: 17 Aug 2012 07:24 PM PDT

مشغل الفلاش العملاق Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.271 بآخر إصداراته مشغل الفلاش العملاق Adobe Flashالأصدار الأخير من مشغل الفلاش العملاق
Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.271
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عملاق المحادثات الصوتيه والرائع فى نقاء الفيديو Skype Final

Posted: 17 Aug 2012 03:31 PM PDT

عملاق المحادثات الصوتيه والرائع فى نقاء الفيديو Skype Final عملاق المحادثات الصوتيه والرائع نقاء
مسنجر سكاايب , Skype برنامج محادثة مجانى و ممتاز للتخاطب على الانترنت هو فى الاساس استخدم للهاتف ولكن طور الى الاستخدام عبر الانترنت حيث يتمتع بمزايا تماثل برامج المحادثة الاخرة وتفوق عليها فى درجة وضوح الصوت والكاميرا بأعتباره برنامج تليفونى وذلك لانه يعتمد على تكنولوجيا جديدة فى عالم الاتصالات تتيح للمستخدم التخاطب الفعال مع الاصدقاء والاقارب بسهوله وبميزات جيدة[img]http://*************/images/download.png[/img]
[عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا]
[عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا]
[عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا]

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